Google AdSense is absolutely indispensable for your websites. To understand this claim, you have to understand how AdSense works with your website.

When you sign up for AdSense, you are giving some Javascript code which you paste into your website. If you are blogging on the Wordpress platform, there are many plugins that will allow you just to enter your AdSense affiliate code, and it will place your AdSense code on all of your pages, and handle the advertisements that are shown on your site. The neat trick is that AdSense targets the ads by examining the content of your site, so when a surfer visits they will see advertisements for products that are immediately relevant to them. And when the visitor clicks on an advertisement link, you are paid a percentage of the money that the advertiser pays Google for the traffic.

Adsense 100k blueprint is good guide for how to set up and get traffic to an AdSense site for the most part. It could use some extra thorough detail, which we think he's doing in his follow up course. We can't claim success yet because we haven't seen any earnings but we will keep you guys posted as we finish implementing our backlinks.

Keywords are vital. You need a good balance between not too much content that is overstuffed with particular keywords to point of destroying readability and value, but material which makes sufficient use of relevant keywords that will attract relevant ads. Gurus maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is an excellent optimization as well.

Meta tags used to be a critical aspect of search engine optimization in general. Nowadays the search engines rely upon meta tags far less, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that using ad relevant keywords in your page meta-tags does increase the relevance of the adverts displayed. So it can't hurt to make sure you make use of meta tags.

Try to avoid sub standard content anywhere on your page. Whilst your site may have great content in the main portion of the page, having irrelevant terms in sidebars, headers and footers can cause some damage. So take a close look at these navigational parts of the page and remove irrelevant information that can throw Google off the scent when their search engines are working out exactly what your page is all about. You can use AdSense's section targeting tool to remove those problem areas from AdSense's consideration completely, so long as you do not wish to show ads in those areas.

Finally, AdSense has proved itself effective for advertisers by providing them with highly targeted traffic. Why is this important? Because if advertisers find the AdSense publishing network indispensable, they are more likely to increase the amount of revenue that they pay for traffic. Which ultimately trickles down to you, the webmaster. If you provide highly targeted traffic, you increase your overall earning potential.


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