Many do not realize this, but the longer the articles or content on your page the better. So you may wish to put two similar pages of article on each page on your site where AdSense is posting ads. Or, makes sure the article is key word rich to help the Googlebot find the appropriate ads to display. This is especially important for all self-proclaimed SEO writers developing their own content rather than buying it. This will prevent the Googlebot from skipping over the content of your article and reading only the incorrectly encoded information on your site’s theme.
Also, at the bottom of the page you should link title of articles on your own site which the Googlebot will also read. What ever you have now, well triple up, to show more subject words? Your article on the pages should have at least 350 or 400 words. If not double up on the content, two articles on the page. I have discovered that larger articles or two large articles on a page do better in the search engines as well.
Why? You may ask. It’s because of rankings and the works of Googlebot. Lot of people likes clicking on lager content pages or more articles rather than on the smaller ones, and so put more time on the page. Additionally, this gives the reader more time to click a side bar ad. Side bar ads should be widened, but not more than a third of the page, 20% is good. Remember you need to get Googlebot to read the page for what it is, then you will make more money, if you do not you will forever be looking for new revenue venues without fixing the current issues on your website revenues. If Googlebot is going to choose, then help it choose right for your personal financial future and the future of your website. Labels: adsense, Selling
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