The email you never, ever want to receive is one telling you that you have been banned from the Google AdSense program. The reason for this is that often as not the ban is not temporary (Although temporary or even partial bans do exist), but very permanent.

So what, you may think? I will just apply for another account. Well firstly it is the website they ban as well as the account, so even if you get another account, or decide to sell it to someone else, then you nor anyone else can ever run AdSense on it again. You can place new code on the site but the ads simply will not show up.

You may think you are smarter than Google and use a friends AdSense code, but as I say they ban the website from the program and not just you. This means the site is worthless, as you cannot sell it to someone, as they too will never be able to run AdSense on it.

So as you can see the ban is very permanent and should be avoided at all costs.

Secondly in thinking that you can apply for another AdSense account then think again. As part of the Google Terms Of Service (TOS) that you signed up to when you joined the AdSense program, you actually have signed a legally binding agreement that prevents you from re-applying for another account if you are banned from the program.

Many people who are banned fail to realise that in trying to re-apply they are breaking the terms of the legally binding agreement that they signed up to when first applying. So by re-applying you could find yourself being sued, or even taken to court for attempted fraud.

Yet so many people fail to realise this, yet the implications are such that should they choose to do so Google could sue you or you could face criminal charges for attempted fraud, but people still take the risk and often fail as they realise that it is a little hard to get another account without changing your name, address or bank account details all of which cannot easily be changed.

Some people try by using their own name but a friends address, yet still apply with the same email address, or they apply with their partners name, and the same address, all of which Google are wise to and you will find all such accounts get rejected, or banned again very shortly after the account is approved.

The moral of this story is do not get banned.


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